Just Ask Us

Contact us [email protected] if you can’t find an answer to your question. Remember to put “Community” in the Subject line of the email

Every now and then!

The fusion of AI and Psychology has created a dense network of collaborations within the Team. This fruitful exchange was enough to put us together and develop some internal projects. We are collaborating with institutions, but we are not on the market yet.

Write us here [email protected] putting “Collaboration Proposal” in the subject line of the email.


We are committed to keeping an eye on your e-mail – your message will not escape us 👀

Of course, we can recommend some centers or organizations that deal with convey psychological support but we do not guarantee for them.

No problem!

Write us here [email protected]

putting “Blog Proposal” in the subject line of the email.

We examine the various proposals on a daily basis and we will immediately see your request 💪🏼

We look forward to cooperating with you!

Write us here [email protected] putting “Collaboration Proposal” in the Subject of the email.

Your message will not be lost and we will contact you as soon as possible ✍